A New Role for Jamie Hart

A New Role for Jamie Hart

Jamie Hart has taken on a new and exciting role as the head of gambling at Conquer Technology. With an impressive background in the betting industry, Hart’s new position promises to build on his vast experience and innovative mindset.

Previously, Hart served as an executive director at Tabcorp and a director of innovation at William Hill. His journey to Conquer Technology began after meeting Conquer Technology CCO David Carter during an innovation competition at William Hill. This pivotal encounter has now led Hart to a stage where he can influence the next wave of innovation in the gambling industry.

Focus on Small-Scale Innovation

Conquer Technology is known for its focus on small-scale technical innovation. As a full-service development studio, the company dedicates itself to helping firms navigate the complexities of gambling regulation, Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols, and the development of new betting products and bet types. The aim is to provide operators with the freedom to experiment and innovate without the financial and operational burdens that typically hinder progress.

Challenges and Opportunities

In his new role, Hart is fully aware of the challenges facing the industry. One of the significant hurdles for operators is the difficulty in experimenting and testing new things efficiently. Handling everything in-house often leads to bureaucratic delays and escalated costs.

According to Hart, outsourcing efforts to Conquer Technology can help overcome these obstacles, making projects quicker and cheaper. Managing projects in gambling companies has become increasingly complex, with more people involved today than there were 20 years ago. Conquer Technology aims to simplify this operational landscape for operators, providing a streamlined and effective outsourcing model.

A Vision for the Future

Hart has a broader vision for the gambling industry beyond just addressing the challenges of the Tote's product. He acknowledges that innovation in the Tote's product has been particularly challenging. However, his new role at Conquer Technology offers him a broader scope to implement his vision.

Conquer Technology aims to help firms adapt to the ever-changing regulatory landscapes. The launch of the gambling division is a significant step for both the company and the industry. With Hart at the helm, Conquer Technology aims to empower operators to push the boundaries of innovation in gambling. All eyes will be on Hart and his team as they execute their ambitious plans.

Quotes from Jamie Hart

Hart has been very clear about his goals and the challenges ahead. He stated, "Integration is typically the biggest issue for betting companies, and that will be our number one target." This focus on integration aims to simplify the operational complexities that often bog down betting companies.

He also highlighted the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of outsourcing to Conquer Technology. "It might be quicker and cheaper to do those with us than in-house," Hart emphasized. This proposition is particularly appealing in an industry where time and cost efficiency can mean the difference between success and failure.

Reflecting on the changes in the industry over the past two decades, Hart noted, “There certainly seem to be a lot more people involved in projects now than there were 20 years ago. I'm hoping we can provide a unique outsourcing model.” His experience and insight into these changes provide a strong foundation for the strategies he plans to implement at Conquer Technology.

Hart also expressed his long-term goals for the industry. “There’s a lot more I want to do and change [in gambling], and the Tote’s product was difficult to innovate.” His desire to drive change and innovation in the industry underscores his commitment to his new role and the potential impact of Conquer Technology.

As Jamie Hart steps into this new role, the betting industry anticipates significant advancements and innovation. His experience, combined with Conquer Technology’s focus on small-scale technical innovation, is poised to offer betting operators new ways to navigate the complexities of the industry while maintaining the freedom to experiment and innovate.

With Hart and his team at the helm, Conquer Technology is set to make substantial contributions to the gambling industry, simplifying operations for operators and driving forward the next generation of betting innovations.